10 Strategic Benefits of a Modern Workplace
New Property = Fresh Start
1. Architecturally advanced, professional-class, corporate office building.
With a new building, your company will have the most architecturally advanced, professional-class, corporate office building. Signature Square III will feature: a glass and stone facade, beautifully landscaped outdoor work areas with wireless connectivity, premium finishes throughout, and a two-story atrium.
2. State-of-the-art elevators, mechanics, and energy management systems.
Amenities like these can save you money.
Physical Environment
3. Expansive window line maximizing natural light throughout the interior.
Natural lighting is not valued enough in office space. It is crucial to recognize the importance of providing employees with natural lighting to improve not just work productivity, but overall quality of life.
According to an article from Northwestern, Natural Light in the Office Boosts Health, “Workers without windows reported poorer scores than their counterparts on quality of life measures related to physical problems and vitality, as well as poorer outcomes on measures of overall sleep quality and sleep disturbances.”
4. Energy efficient lighting and controls.
Green is trending and important to so many companies.
For the People
5. Sensory change and variability positively impact well-being.
There is something to be said for a change of scenery. A change of scenery can re-vamp your office morale. This in-turn positively impacts your client relationships. They will be more excited to come into your office and visit your re-energized workforce.
6. Competitive advantage in recruiting and retaining employees.
With a modern workplace, you will be able to better attract talent to your company. When looking for jobs, the work environment and culture is crucial, especially with the millennial generation. This also appeals to your current employees; potentially boosting staff pride related to the newly appointed office space.
7. Increase productivity, innovation, and staff focus.
An out-dated office space, that you’ve been in for years, can become stale to your employees. Something like a collaborative environment can foster creative thinking, vitality, and ambition.
Why Signature Square III?
8. Customization ability before construction.
With a building like Signature Square III, you are able to customize your ideal layout for your space. We will take into account your current and future needs when working with you to design the ultimate space. We understand that different industries have unique needs.
9. Branding inclusion in all property advertising.
Signature Square III will offer its key tenants unrivaled sign opportunities with exposure to, on average, 40,000+ cars – according to the Ohio Department of Transportation.
Your company will receive recognition on property advertising, ranging from print materials to press releases.
Why Now?
10. Early signer advantages.
- Advantage of discounted pre-leasing rates
- Few remaining commercially zoned sites for development
- Market data indicates a shortage of space over the next 36 months
- Rental rates are trending up and have been over the past 24 months